
Office of 研究 Administration

目录 & 服务


ORA is divided into four functional units:
  • 资金 and 信息服务 — assistance with identification of funding sources, funding databases (SPIN and Grant搜索), information dissemination, limited sub任务 coordination, ORA website maintenance, newsletter design, 和更多的 
  • 建议 and 合同管理 (PAM) — budget development, proposal sub任务, award negotiation & 接受,subaward preparation, non-financial award management, such as time extensions, PI/PD changes, 和更多的
  • 财务报告 and 审计 (FRA) — award set-up, subrecipient monitoring, expense review and approval, cost transfer approvals, invoice preparation, financial reporting, payment deposits, project closeout, 审计管理&A and salary recovery distributions, 和更多的
  • 研究 Information Systems and Grant Analysis (RISGA) — salary verification, expense monitoring, ORA systems and desktop support, 和更多的

——玛西娅·兰登 (玛西娅.landenFREEMississippi)
     Associate Vice President for 研究

单位 & 工作人员

Organizational Diagram of the Office of 研究 Administration


   Budget and Office Manager

资金 & 信息服务 

Maurine步伐 (maurine.paceFREEMississippi)
   Information Specialist

建议 & 合同管理

T. 米歇尔显示 (米歇尔.showsFREEMississippi

这个提议 & 合同管理 (PAM) staff are assigned to specific departments, centers, or other units. If you have questions about whom to contact, call us at 601.266.4119 或发邮件至 USM-ORAFREEMississippi.

For assistance with 建议s and 合同:

To see which pre-award administrator provides assistance for your organizational unit, 奥拉的 Area Assignments Chart (pdf).

Jeannene Garbee (jeannene.garbeeFREEMississippi)
    Sponsored Projects Analyst

    副主任, PAM

    高级的合同 & 赠款协调员

    合同 & 赠款协调员

Alexandra Schneider (亚历山德拉.schneiderFREEMississippi)
    合同 & 授予管理员

    合同 & 授予管理员

    合同 & 授予管理员

布兰登葡萄园 (布兰登.vineyardFREEMississippi)
    合同 & 授予管理员

舒如提Archita (舒如提.architaFREEMississippi)

财务报告 & 审计

山腰的R. 斯金格,MPA (科里.stringerFREEMississippi

莎莉·唐尼,MPA (莎莉.l.downeyFREEMississippi

For assistance with restricted fund expenditures, invoices, financial reports, project closeout, and audits:  


研究 Administration Specialist

   研究 Administration Analyst

   Senior Accountant: Federal Agencies

Jerilynn "Nikki" Lee (妮可.leeFREEMississippi)
   Senior Accountant: Federal Agencies

雪莉McArn (雪利酒.mcarnFREEMississippi)
   Accountant: Fixed Price Projects, State & Business/Industry Agencies

  Accountant: Fixed Price Projects, State & Business/Industry Agencies

   Accountant: Fixed Price Projects, State & Business/Industry Agencies

珍妮•施密特 (珍妮花.schmidtFREEMississippi)
   合同 and Grants Accountant

研究 Information Systems & Grant Analysis (RISGA)

詹妮弗•威尔逊 (珍妮花.wilsonFREEMississippi)
   导演 of 研究 Information Systems and Grant Analysis

Kaycee麦克马伦 (kaycee.mcmullanFREEMississippi)
  副主任 of 研究 Information Systems and Grant Analysis

哈里森杰拉尔德 (哈里森.geraldFREEMississippi)
   Associate Business Analyst

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奥拉的原则 & 服务


  • to provide visible leadership in sponsored project development, administration, and 合规
  • to offer service that is responsive to the current and projected needs of Southern Miss faculty and staff
  • to supply differential assistance that reflects individual faculty and staff needs and experience with sponsored projects
  • to support the pursuit and administration of external funds to advance the University's 任务


  • provide timely information on funding opportunities
  • contribute to development of proposals
  • support principal investigators (PIs) by providing information, interpretation, and guidance from proposal preparation through close-out of the award
  • process and submit proposals in an accurate, timely manner
  • ensure that accounts for funded projects are in place as quickly as possible
  • provide information on contracts and subcontracts
  • verify that sponsored activities are conducted in 合规 with state, federal, and university requirements
  • develop and ensure 合规 with university policies related to external funding
  • ensure cost-sharing commitments are documented
  • capture, analyze and report pertinent financial data to the administration
  • assist in preparation of the University's facilities and administrative costs rates  
  • prepare financial billings and reports
  • collect and monitor payments from sponsor
  • manage audits of externally funded projects

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